see onenote
If you have never seen Tony Ray Jones' notebook, it is worth a google. He made notes on how to improve his technique and lessons learned. His work was incredible but unfortunately he died young. You can find out more about him on wikipedia. Here is one page from that notebook:

Very wise words indeed. This inspired me to keep my own notes which formed the basis of my training workshops in London. Here are a few items from my very own (long) notebook, though of course this is just a guide rather than a set of rules. I often break them myself. I hope they help:
Fill the frame
Look for juxtaposition
When the arms are doing something, shoot
Shoot the hell out of interesting situations
Ignore the subject when framing, look at the background /focus on edges and corners
Learn to see
Shoot the crowd, not the event
Admit to yourself when you missed the shot - delete it
Find a scene, with good light, wait for actors, pictures will happen
Improvisation creates uncertainty and potential failure. Failure is fine
Triangles / threes
Be more aggressive
Don't be self conscious
Don’t chimp - see article on chimping
Minimum 1/500 sec
F8 and be there
Study books of photos
Zone / hyperfocal focus
Look past people you are taking a shot of (so they don’t think you are shooting them).
Work a location over time

My workshops use much more material and are divided into specialist topics to allow students to focus on their weaknesses:
'How to see'
'How to increase the chances of an awesome shot'
'How to grow as a photographer'
'How to use you camera as a tool'
'The photographic process'
For a stream of my work, follow me on Twitter or Instagram. If you are interested in rapidly improving your street photography, get in touch about my workshops (mainly London). Also open to commissions or editorial of course.